Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Appleblossoms

The Appleblossom family is my first family created for our town.  

The Appleblossom family currently consists of:

Daniel Appleblossom- father/husband of the family. His lifetime wish is to be Surrounded by Family. Daniel's traits are: Good, Bookworm, Friendly, Family-Oriented, and Artistic.  He likes French music, Grilled Cheese and the colour Blue. He is a Taurus.  He has already obtained the following Lifetime Awards: Never Dull, Observant, Steel Bladder, Jetsetter, Meditative Trance Sleep, Complimentary Entertainment, Office Hero, Attractive, 

Lucy Appleblossom - mother/wife of the family. Her lifetime wish is to Surrounded by Family.

Jeff Appleblossom - first born son of the family, just started school

Daisy- one of the triplets, currently a toddler. Her traits are Good and Friendly.

Bob- one of the triplets, currently a toddler

Anna- one of the triplets, currently a toddler

Baby- the pet cat

Snowshoe - the pet kitten we didn't ask for but appeared when we were an inactive household

Honey - the pet kitten we also didn't ask for but appeared along with Snowshow.  Suspiciously enough, Lucy was calling the other households we were playing offering up kittens that Baby had apparently had.  Family Tree doesn't show that Honey and Snowshoe are the kittens of Baby though.

Jeff Appleblossom's Second Lifetime Reward

For his second Lifetime Reward, we picked Multi-Tasker.

Oh My!

So, we have Story Progression off.  But it turns out, the non-active households are aging.  Yikes! We have an elderly cat in one household, the Black household, and we want to get it the Young Again potion before it dies.  

To counter the aging of sims into new life stages while we are not playing them, we have set the life spans to the max and will use the birthday parties to age them when we are playing them.

The Appleblossom's Triplets Age up to Children

Bob became a MOOCH!  WTF!  Then Daisy I was able to pick Animal Lover and for Anna I picked Family Oriented.  

Our Very First Gift - Thanks!

Today we logged into Sims3 to find we had a gift! We had a gift from gatokittykat! It was an Immoderate Water Fountain. We sent them back a Surprise Gift.  We were surprised to see that our Sim got 600 Lifetime Happiness Points.  Apparently we can send 5 gifts a day, and it costs us nothing!

Time to grow the Appleblossom Family!

Since both Daniel and Lucy want to be Surrounded by Family, and this requires raising 5 children from babies to teenagers, and they currently have only 4 children, it is time to grow their family.  

Lucy has the Fertility Treatment Lifetime Reward, so twins or triplets are likely, but since there are already 4 children, the 2 parents and a family cat, I am guessing we will get twins.

Well, so much for that.  I was playing on the other families and while I was away somehow we ended up with 2 more kittens!  I don't understand how or why, Story Progression is OFF.  So, now I have room for only one more baby. Grumble.  Yes, I know, I could get rid of the new cats that I never signed up for, but ...I'm sentimental on that, so the new cats stay,

Friday, September 23, 2016

Daniel and Jeff visit the Winter Festival

Today, Daniel and Jeff went to the Winter Festival.  They ice skated for the first time and fell down a couple times.

Jeff and Daniel ice skating at Winter Festival
Actually, we were trying to fulfill Jeff's want to Ice Skate with Daniel on a pond, but apparently the ice rink didn't count as a pond.

Jeff got hungry while skating, so he went to get some food and hot chocolate.

Jeff buys food at Winter Festival

Jeff Appleblossom's Lifetime Wsh

Today the option to give Jeff a Lifetime Wish came up, and it was to be a Celebrated 5-Star Chef.  So, I guess that is what he will be when he grows up!  Problem is, children can't cook.  I have him using the little toy oven, still no skill points in cooking though.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Spooky Day!

This was our first time having Spooky Day.  Do kids have school on Spooky Day? Apparently not! Jeff went trick-or-treating and carved pumpkins.

Jeff Appleblossom's first Lifetime Reward

Since Jeff is now a child (and I am not altogether pleased about that because he aged when he wasn't the active household, but that's another post!) he can now purchase Lifetime Rewards.  He had over 10k points saved up, and my daughter Victoria decided he should get Steel Bladder as his first Award.  She thinks it would be good if he has more time to help the parents, and if he doesn't have to pee maybe he can use that time to use the mini-oven.


We currently have 23 SimPoints.  We acquired quite a few by watching videos and registering the games/expansions, but we did quite a bit of shopping too ;)

About Us

We are a family who plays Sims3 together.  We all make characters and play in the same town, so our characters interact with each other.

Our family (real life that plays Sims3) consists of me, the mom, named Kristina, and my daughters Sam, Victoria and Alex.


We currently have 30 Badges.  You can see them (I think) here.


We have Generations, Ambitions, World Adventures, Pets, Late Night and Seasons.